Operational Efficiencies
Our team oriented co-sourcing model means better patient care and better outcomes
How can you: Improve Patient Satisfaction Reduce Medication Errors Foster a Culture of Safety Stay Abreast of Ongoing Healthcare ReformsBetter Patient Care. Better Outcomes.
Pharmacy is a unique and complicated business. At CompleteRx, we surround your existing pharmacy operation with the expertise and support to address all aspects of the Triple Aim: cost, quality and outcomes.
We provide you with a robust program of clinical support to drive efficiencies and deliver high-quality care while controlling costs.
Over the last 20 years, we’ve honed our proven system of pharmacy support in hospitals of every size. We know that every hospital is unique so we tailor our solutions to meet the needs of your individual facility. We improve key metrics across the organization to get results, including: Lower costs, Fewer med events, Improved HCAHPS scores, Support of P&T efforts, Increased nursing satisfaction, An expanded role for pharmacists Lower costs. Higher quality. Better outcomes. Our expert teams build upon your foundation. We go beyond empirical knowledge to identify and employ more opportunities, and validate the impact on your organization. Our approach includes: Benchmarking to understand how a hospital pharmacy’s performance compares with other pharmacies of a similar size. A data driven, evidence-based approach to implement clinical best practices which increases safety and improves patient outcomes. Pharmacy financial analytics to identify opportunities to reduce medication costs. A culture of continuous performance improvement to reduce medication errors, enhance quality, and improve medication distribution. As a CompleteRx partner, you can leverage the talent within your pharmacy department to minimize medication costs and improve patient safety and clinical outcomes. The result? Sustainable solutions that optimize efficiency and improve clinical outcomes in the ever-changing hospital environment.Case Study
Discover how a three-hospital system improved clinical outcomes and achieved hundreds of thousands of dollars in drug savings.